Quill & Feathers

My latest novel is with the manuscript tweaker, Wendy, at Sea-to-Sea Printing in Darien, GA. I’m sitting on the edge waiting for her to finish so I can send to printers!!! So very Excited and already working on next novel. Y’all watch for Quill & Feathers to be available in September…

Whether or weather–it’s difficult…

Whether or not I have time to connect and do all the things that I promise myself I’ll do depends on the weather (rain, heat, or fer–eeezing cold!) and how comfortable I can be at my office computer. I keep saying I’ll do better, but fail! Sigh. At least I have taken the three minutes required to access and type a post for my website. Now if I can just get to my office computer and tell Carl’s story–he’s in limbo right now.


End of February saw events that snatched me away from writing and took me into places I did not want to go! After nearly two solid months of trauma, drama, and agonizing, I am finally back to near normal–at least my life is …the jury’s still out on my brain! With much thanksgiving for the kindness and support of fans, friends, and family, I am back on track and returning to writing on a regular basis–so much to say, so many characters to share, and September deadlines looming! Yikes!

I’ll do my best to take you along with me on the wild creative ride but be assured I haven’t forgotten where my real strength lies–my faith in God’s love. I’ll be back sooner than later with another update on novel’s progress…

Writers retreating!

Oh yay! I’m on the last day of my writers’ retreat and feeling very proud of my accomplishments. I’ve worked diligently on Quill & Feathers and I’ve expanded Carl’s role in this novel. I’ve also added several poems from Caroline, Bethany Lynn, and the others who share my joy in poetry. It’s exciting to see the characters bloom under my touch and I’m eager to discover what they have in store for me. Thanks for following my progress–I promise to share more soon!

Kneeknocker Jim tales

Update on the Quill & Feathers novel…I just finished tweaking one of the Kneeknocker Jim (Tales from the Swamp) stories, and I can’t stop grinning. He certainly is a character–and a fan favorite if I’m any judge of the typical audience reaction when I share one of his stories at a book reading. I feel a kinship with him–back to my roots? I do, after all, live in a swamp!

I’m BACK! Happy New Year!

Greetings to my Faithful Five and welcome any Newcomers to my website. I’m so pleased that I have arrived in my future. Now, if I can keep doing this on a regular basis–who knows what I will accomplish.

Looking back, I see that I reached my goal of finishing the fourth novel in the All Her Visions series (Shifting Visions went live in October), and—drum roll, I am now the proud author of five novels, two books of poetry, and one illustrated children’s book! Not too shabby if I do say so.

Looking forward, I expect to see Quill & Feathers published this fall. It’s turning into another novel, but with an interesting twist as it contains numerous short stories and poetry from the writers’ group introduced in Shifting Visions. I’m also going to include original art from the Brantley County Art Association of which I’m a happy member.

With all that’s going on, I’m amazed that I am planning to lead several writing workshops as well as boost my internet presence with help from tech minded friends. I will soon be posting audio readings of some of my poetry and selections from my novels.

Exciting times entice me to get busy and stop flapping my jaws! I hope you’ll enjoy my efforts to entertain with words. Watch for the next announcement of my progress.

Shifting Visions published!

I completely forgot to announce publication of my latest novel…oh, my! The 4th book in the All Her Visions series went live on Amazon.com last month. Shifting Visions joins the other three novels to complete the series I didn’t know I would write. What fun! Start with All Her Visions and enjoy the ride. Thanks for your interest!

Dreamtime revisited…

Howdy Y’all! I’ve been visited by a “novel” idea–heh, heh. I want to create a new edition of Dreamtime, the collection of adolescent poetry published in early 80s. The limited edition is not available for sale with my other books, so I thought…hmmmm, what about a do-over? Then I thought about adding artwork to illustrate the poems or to just add interest to the book. I have invited numerous artist friends to submit selections for inclusion in the new edition. Then I thought about other folks I don’t know who might be interested in submitting art for the book. Yay! Win win. So here’s an open invitation to submit your art for inclusion in my book of poetry. You retain all rights to your art. I’ll simply include it in the book, credit you as the artist, and I’m thinking I’ll include a listing of artists with contact info (on approval) in case there’s an interest in buying your work. Again–it’s a win win, so give it a chance, and submit.

More specifics–the poetry is about teenage love and nature. I welcome butterflies, birds, trees, flowers, ocean, pond, rivers, and any kind of water feature. I also have a few odd poems such as the one about the dark place, and the demons fighting in a cave, stocking issues, and dogs. Nature is the prominent feature. If you want more direction, email me at brickyard1800@yahoo.com and I’ll be happy to consult with you.

Let’s get going!